
Thursday 20 September 2018

Exciting News to Share!

Curriculum Night - September 27

Curriculum Night for Blue Willow PS has been scheduled for September 27. Similar to last year's format, we will have the community engagement portion from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m.. The local fire truck, ice cream truck, and some food trucks will be there. Families are invited to attend this portion of the night. The in-school portion of Curriculum Night will be from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m., with two 20-minute sessions and a 10-minute travel break between the sessions. We look forward to seeing you at this event!

Terry Fox Run - September 28

Our school will be holding the annual Terry Fox Run on September 28 in the afternoon.  The school's Terry Fox committee has been busily working on event details to ensure a positive experience for everyone.  Students are asked to dress appropriately for the weather and event.  We are amazed by the efforts made on the part of students and families thus far as we try to reach our goal of $1,500 in donations.  Way to go Blue Willow!    

Eco News!

This year, Eco Club will be making Milk Bag Mats! We plan to make a few and donate them to someone in need this winter. You can help by sending clean milk bags with your child to school. We will be collecting them until December 3rd, as we will need a large number of bags. You may send them along with your child or drop them off in the "Got Milk Bags?" bin outside main office.  

This is a great initiative towards being global citizens and making our world greener by reusing plastic bags instead of letting them sit in landfills.

Let’s work together to take care of our world!

Blue Willow’s Eco Club